Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Android Phone Apps' You can spy on lover’s text messages!

NEW YORK : Suspicious that your better half is cheating on you? You can find out for sure, provided they have an android phone. Thanks to Secret SMS Replicator, a new app released for the Android on Wednesday, suspicious daters can now spy on every text message their loved ones receive. Post installation, the app forwards all incoming text messages to whatever numbers you choose.

“Grab your boyfriend’s phone while he is in the shower. Download our app onto his Android phone and the app runs secretly, unable to be detected, BCC’ing you with all his incoming texts,” The New York Daily News quoted the App’s creator DLP Mobile as advertising in a blog post on its site. “Perfect. Perfectly cruel,” it read.

DLP cautioned that the application is “a double edged-sword” that is both “tremendously useful and potentially insidious.” The site also features an instructional video, advising sneaky boyfriends and girlfriends on how best to implement the App to spy on their lovers. (ANI)
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