Thursday, January 5, 2012

You Can Now Order I Wrote This For You From Pretty Much Anywhere

[Edit: You can also get the paperback from which apparently also has free worldwide shipping. Click here.]

So late last night (for me) and early this morning (for my publisher) we hatched a cunning plan.

No matter where in the world you are, you can now click here to order the I Wrote This For You book directly from them.

Michelle, our wonderful contact, will liase with you over email, keep you informed of shipping costs and do her best to make sure the book reaches you.

I know it's been frustrating for a lot of people who haven't been able to get their hands on the book and I'm incredibly sorry for that, it's honestly all I've ever wanted from this. We've found out that the shipping costs through some local book stores, with their mark up, are more than the book itself, which is already quite pricey because it's got nearly 200 photographs in it (which are expensive to print) so hopefully this will be a better option.

You can still order it off amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes (if you've already got a copy, please take a moment to review the book on those sites, it'd mean the world to me.)

Stay beautiful.
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