Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We live on the cusp of a new era of enlightenment in the history of our species.

SOPA and PIPA, two bills currently under consideration in the US, threaten that era.

If these bills had existed when I first started writing I Wrote This For You, many people would have been too afraid to share it with each other and it would never have enjoyed the measure of success and popularity it has.

Those of you who are young may take for granted the global community we have fostered with each other over these last, short few years but I assure you, the freedom of speech and democracy of ideas created by the internet has been on par with the invention of language in terms of it’s impact on all of us.

Certain narrow-minded US Lawmakers would destroy one of mankind’s greatest inventions, purposely breaking it so as to briefly appease their paymasters. 

Like angry cavemen smashing the wheel because they do not understand it’s significance.

Those of us who are compassionate, who believe in furthering the causes of mankind and creating a better world for all, should not, cannot stand idly by while financial greed drives those who have power over you and me, backward, further into the dark.

Please, if you are an American citizen, contact your lawmakers and voice your opposition, let them know that if they pursue this cause of action, they have no place in the world we’re trying to build, let them know that you believe they should be permanently removed from their positions as decision makers if they support this, as the last thing they can represent if they choose to gag them, is people.

If you are not an American citizen, contact the American Embassy is your country and register your displeasure of this violation.

This is not an American issue and those who believe it is, do not understand how the internet works.

This is a global threat to the freedom of ideas and speech that has only just been born, that has only just learned how to walk.

And now, we must teach it, to fight.

There will be no I Wrote This For You today, nor Wikipedia, nor reddit, nor many others.
Join us.

-       - pleasefindthis.


Please read more by clicking here or watch this video and see for yourself what’s at stake. 
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