Sunday, October 9, 2011

Peter King Story

In doing so, I also watched Senator Keith Ellison break down in tears over (what to him,) is a sad, sad story of a Muslim paramedic who was looked at kinda sideways on 9-11. Senator Ellison is Muslim himself, and apparently it makes him sad whenever any of his dog-brain Muslim brothers are looked at kinda sideways.

Aw. Look how sad he is. Aw.

And it's not just Keith Ellison who's sad - it's dog-brain Muslims all over the whole world who are sad; they're sad because they see these hearings as painting them in a negative light.

Here's another dog-brain Muslim who's sad:

Aw. He's sad, too. Aw.

And there's this dude named Peter King who's running the hearing. He is The Devil, (according to NPR and Jon Stewart, anyway.)

Senator King is the devil, (I'm told,) and he's a McCarthyist, an Alarmist, a Reactionaryist, a Counter-Revolutionist, and a Chicken Littleist, (I'm told,) because he's dared to take a look around America's living room, and because he has the Goddamn motherfucking gall to recognize that there is a 10,000 fucking pound elephant sitting there with us.
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