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Dream Act 2011
Have you heard of the DREAM Act? It has been around since 2001, but now it is back in the hands of Congress. The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act is meant to would give certain undocumented students a pathway to citizenship through college attendance or military service. The President made a speech yesterday in El Paso, Texas on his immigration reform and whatnot. Today this bills is back in the House of Representatives going through the motions again. While this all sounds nice on the surface, what does it really mean? There are an estimated 12 million illegal/undocumented immigrants in America. If this bill wee to pass about 1.2 million would automatically be granted the path towards citizenship. Obviously the President made his speech in part to blame the Republicans when the bills does not pass...again. But this should not be an issue. Along with pretty much all of the Republicans even some Democrats agree that this bill seems like it would grant amnesty to illegals. Some even think it would encourage more illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. That may be so, but hopefully we will not have to see if that is true. People think that if you do not agree with a bill like this then you are probably a racist. While I o not agree with this bill I am not a racist. You do not know my race, so do not assume I am an overweight middle aged Texas mom of 3 with a few handguns, a loud sports loving husband and a street full of women just like me. I am an American who understand that illegal immigrants should be deported. Why? Mainly because it is, and this is the kicker, THE LAW! Sadly we are way too sensitive and political. If you really want something, fight for it, do not let someone hand you something for "free". If you want to become a citizen, take the test! It really is not that hard. Marry an American, most likely you will anyway. Yes I understand that Hispanics/Latinos will become a major majority that politicians are large corporations are trying to tap into, but the law is the law. Senator Harry Reid said he would support mandatory E-Verify, a program that requires employers check the legality of potential workers, to garner Republican support for the DREAM Act. I think that should be 2 different issues, but since we are attaching things onto the bill why not add this, why not make English the official language of America? Other countries have done it, but we have not. If we did you would have merit when you asked someone to speak English or say it in English. At this moment they are just words, words that legally illegal immigrants do not have to abide by. I am giving the D
REAM Act a Digit Down. It is just not the time to try to make political gains with poor bills like this.