Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amazing And Unbelievable Helicopter Concept | Triceracopter

If playing with vinyl dinosaurs was not enough for you, what do you think about (or dare) trying fun with a war machine, called the Triceracopter? It’s scary to the likes of Werewolves and even the Ghost Rider would run away from the very sight of this machine, termed as “Hope for obsolescence of war”.

I don’t know if war will get obsolete anytime, but it is worth quoting what Einstein once said “I don’t know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with Sticks and Stones”.

Well… looks like even the greatest scientist missed on imagining anything like this as far as World War III is concerned.

With every such imaginary state of art creations/designs, there is someone to be given credit to with their own Facebook Page. This time, kudos to designer Patricia Renick who built it as a sculpture, way back in 1977! Obviously, the concept did not go well with militia as no country tried to make one for them.

If the humanoid were human like creatures than this thing surely deserves the tag of Dinonoid or Dinocopter. Anyone thinking of making 5 inch dinonoid for children? The idea might be hit, who knows. What do you think, will you purchase one for your kid/little brother?

It is hard to imagine what other possible uses the machine can be diverted to, leaving the idea of fighting a war behind (we really do not need more weapons, do we?). But in case if a machine like this were ever built with the integration of Nano technology, we would have an altogether different persona of military.

I would term such a kind of military force as Dino Joes. But I particularly do not like the idea of employing anything such in the military, considering the efforts being made to reduce the size of weapons, vehicles, drones, etc and this one clearly spits on the face of such efforts. Plus, triceratops were herbal, not hunters, right? BTW, did anyone spot a red tail, any dinosaur would get angry if he had seen one!

That was all about Dinonoids and cool helicopters. Here Is An Amazing Dinosaur helicopters Concept:

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