Monday, September 27, 2010

Amazing Flying Vehicle For The Futures | Aviomoto Concept

With the intention to rid Randstad region of Netherlands, of to recurrent traffic jams, designer Maarten Timmer comes out with the solution: Aviomoto concept.

The futuristic vehicle is a motorcycle plane crossover which makes it possible to hover over the jams. Designed as a true conceptual vehicle for the commuter traffic for 2020 in the Netherlands,

Aviomoto’s head up display guides the pilot through the turbulent Dutch Traffic situation. Featuring the hexagonal lights that show the highway for the pilot, the vehicle has an active and comfortable flying position that gives the pilot full control of agility of the Aviomoto. Here Is Aviomoto The Flying Vehicle For The Futures by designer Maarten Timmer :

Source 1----Source 2
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