Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Adolf Hitler DNA" Studies Create Waves"

"Adolf Hitler DNA Studies Create Waves"

San Francisco : A new research claims that there might be scientific proof after all that indicates that the German dictator Adolf Hitler might have had Jewish origins after all. Though there have been several claims earlier, none of the studies have been able to scientifically pinpoint how the Nazi, responsible for the deaths of millions of Jews, had an African-Jewish lineage.

Reporter Jean Paul Mulders and Marc Vermeeren conducted the study with the help of DNA studies of the saliva samples from 39 of Adolf Hitler’s relatives across America and Europe. Reports indicate that the duo had even searched out Adolf Hitler’s cousin, Norbert H of Austrian origin.

The research found that the DNA contained a chromosome that was rare in people from Western Europe and more common among the Ashkenazi and Shephardic Jews and also the people living in Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Considering the Nazi’s fixation with ancestry, one of the experts said that he would not have appreciated the research.

Another genetic expert said that though the research cannot pinpoint the exact origins of Adolf Hitler, it almost proves that he was not an ‘Aryan’ a race that he tried to establish by ‘cleansing’ Europe of the others.

The chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b (Y-DNA), found in the DNA samples, is considered one of the founding lineages of the Jewish population. The scientists have explained that the research validates a historical myth that has been the cause of speculation for decades now.

Earlier it was claimed that Adolf Hitler’s grandfather was a Jew but due to lack of scientific evidence or availability of any DNA sample, the claim could not be validated.Source
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