Monday, January 20, 2014

A Chance For Something Amazing


I've decided that this competition should be an ongoing thing, which means, if you send me a picture of I Wrote This For You on the shelf at a Barnes & Noble, I might send you something, either a signed book, a thank you letter or something of equal value.

I will also randomly be sending out signed books to people who write down the url somewhere people can see it or create artwork out of the quotes, as detailed in the post below this edit.

Here's the first round of winners, please email me your addresses at pleasefindthis at gmail dot com.

From here - For being the absolute first person to send me a picture of the book, with a receipt, from a Barnes & Noble - you get signed copies of I Wrote This For You, Intentional Dissonance, I Wrote This For You: Just The Words and a signed photograph from Jon, the photographer for the blog. 

From here - For your bravery and writing the url across a road (please don't get in trouble), you win signed copies of I Wrote This For You, Intentional Dissonance  and I Wrote This For You: Just The Words.

From here - For this wonderful shot of the book at Barnes & Noble, right next to Silvia Plath, you get signed copies of I Wrote This For You, Intentional Dissonance and I Wrote This For You: Just The Words.

From here - For thinking that the competition is over, and for making something anyway, you get a signed copy of I Wrote This For You. 

From here - Because it's beautiful, you get a signed copy of I Wrote This For You: Just The Words.

From here - For this beautiful exercise in typography, you get a signed copy of I Wrote This For You: Just The Words.

From here - So you can give your copy to a friend, you win a signed copy of I Wrote This For You.

To see all the entries, just search twitter for #iwtfybn.

Thank you and if you didn't win anything, like I said, I'd like to do this on an ongoing basis, so go to Barnes & Noble, write the url somewhere or make some art and hopefully I'll be able to send you something soon.

- Me

Also, thank you for your patience and thank you to every single one of you that sent me thoughts and kind words after my father passed away. There have been days recently when I've wanted the world to end. You have been a big, huge, important part of giving the world back to me and for that, I will be eternally grateful.

Thank you, for being you.

[Close Edit]


Dear You,

Barnes & Noble will begin stocking copies of I Wrote This For You at select stores this week.

It's only on a trial basis at this point but I'm going to allow myself to get excited about it. I hope you are too.

To celebrate this and the launch of I Wrote This For You: Just The Words, I'll be giving away some signed copies of all my books*, including Intentional Dissonance and both I Wrote This For You books, Jon will be donating at least one signed photograph from I Wrote This For You, I'll be doing an AMA on reddit towards the end of the week and I'll also be doing some long distance readings via Skype*.

If you can, go to a Barnes & Noble and take a picture of the I Wrote This For You book on the shelf or your receipt if you buy it and tweet at me:

"I found I Wrote This For You at Barnes & Noble @BNBuzz #iwtfybn"

Or write whatever you feel like as long as myself and @BNBuzz see it and it includes #iwtfybn so I can track it and send you your prize.

If, like me, you don't live in a part of the world that has a Barnes & Noble, you can enter one of two ways.

Firstly, take one of the entries from I Wrote This For You and recreate it, like these examples below from tumblr and tag it with #iwtfybn, then tweet it at me.

Secondly, just write on a napkin in a restaurant, or in a book in a library, or on a street sign, wherever someone can see it and tweet me a picture with the hashtag #iwtfybn.

I'll announce the winners on Monday next week, a week from today, and the Grand Prize** winners a month from now, on February 20th.

Thank you for your time, it is so valuable and I am forever grateful for it,


*Depending on what's available.

**The Grand Prize will include signed copies of all three of my books and a signed photograph from I Wrote This For You.

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