Thursday, October 4, 2012

Intentional Dissonance

Intentional Dissonance is my new novel.

It’s a love story that takes place in the last city on Earth, after (and before) the end of the world.

There’s a man called Jon Salt, a doctor who wants to kill him or at least abuse a gift he has, a tree called Edward, a girl called Michelle, another girl called Emily who sells a drug that makes you sad (called Sadness) which Jon Salt is addicted to and a mute assassin called One Eye.

It also involves ghosts, Sylvia Plath’s diary and Kurt Cobain’s guitar.

If I’m really honest, it’s a book about what it feels like to fall forever.

So it’s quite complicated. But I’m happy and I feel like I wrote the book I wanted to write.

It should be available early December. Between now and then, every now and again, I’ll be posting different snippets from the manuscript in different places.

On I Wrote This For You.

Thank you for your patience and support, I honestly can’t wait for you to read it.

- pleasefindthis 
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