Wednesday, May 30, 2012

3 Interleaved Blocks Of Wood, Shot Through With Ink And Shipped Across The World


This year, I will be reissuing a text-only version of I Wrote This For You. Currently, the price of the printed book is around $25.00 on – which is unfortunately out of reach of many people. 200 pages of full-colour photography will do that. The text-only version will be much cheaper although I can’t say exactly how much cheaper yet. If all goes to plan, it’ll contain around 500 entries.

Here is an important bit, in this great big wall of text, hence I am making it bold. Post in the comments below what entries you absolutely have to see in the book. You can also comment on facebook or message me on twitter.

It’s hard for me to create something that doesn’t have Jon’sphotography in it and call it I Wrote This For You because the photography, for me, is an integral part of the process. But I believe there are people who want to be able to hold a piece of this and I believe this is the most reasonable way of doing that.

I will also be releasing a diary/journal that right now has Please Write Back as a working name. It’s a selection of writing from I Wrote This For You, with blank pages that allow you to write back.

If people do actually write back to me, I’m planning on hosting what they write online somewhere and linking it to I Wrote This For You.

There’s also, as always, the I Wrote This For You audio book in the works. It’s taking a long time because there’s about 200 different things I want to do with it and I’m not going to stop until I know which of those 200 things is the best.

Finally, I’m busy working on a standalone book, currently called 21/11 or Intentional Dissonance or Whatever I Feel Like right now as a working title. If I miss a day posting on I Wrote This For You, it’s because I’m working on this.

Keep well. I miss you,

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