Friday, February 10, 2012

The Last Word

I have an incredibly sad announcement to make.

I will be turning the comments off on I Wrote This For You, permanently, on Monday. You have today and the weekend to say whatever you'd like to say on the posts and I will moderate all the comments for the last time on Sunday night.

Unfortunately, with how popular I Wrote This For You has become, it has attracted a small but vocal range of nutjobs, psychos, stalkers and generally, incredibly mean people. Which is why the comments are moderated.

For every message I get about how something I've written has changed someone's life (thank you) or how someone was contemplating the unthinkable when something I'd put down, pulled them back (you did that yourself), I get 99 harassing, toilet-door style, insulting and completely unacceptable messages that do nothing but pollute the platform I've spent years trying to create, to express love and truth.

These people are the scum of the earth and don't deserve a second more of my or your time. They can learn to obsess over something else if their lives are really that devoid of meaning, as from what I can tell, they wake up every day thinking of me.

Which would be flattering if their minds, hearts and souls weren't so tragically empty and lost.

If you would like to share a story, or comment, you are free to do so via twitter, facebook or email me at pleasefindthis at gmail dot com. I will do my best to regularly publish a round up of the best comments received on those platforms.

You will always be beautiful and I'm sorry I have been forced to take this scorched earth option to protect you from these monsters.

Thank you,

- Me

PS. If it is any small consolation, there's a good chance that I'll be announcing the opportunity to say whatever you'd like to say to me, in person. No promises but, watch this space.
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