Monday, December 5, 2011

A Special Entry: The Sacred Ground

[Edit: You can pre-order the book right now at Barnes & Noble here]

I have news. I mentioned it on facebook and on twitter. But now I have details. And the only place I haven't said anything, is here.

After a long time, the book I've been working on for you, is done. Nearly 200 of the best, most relevant entries and photos from the I Wrote This For You project are being published on the 20th of December 2011 in print and as an ebook.

The book is split up into four sections; Sun, Moon, Stars, Rain.

It puts things into an order.

It also contains several entries that only appear between its pages.

An enhanced version of the book for tablets will appear next year with music, readings and video.

More news will follow.

If you'd like to get involved, I need someone to write '' in the most interesting place they can find (no freeway overpasses). Napkins, books left behind, notes on notice boards or slipped under doors, leaves, the dust on car windows or traced over someone's skin.

I just never want anyone to come here who didn't find something.

Between now and January 1, If you write '' somewhere interesting, where someone can find it, and send me the picture at pleasefindthis at gmail dot com, I'll post the best ones to facebook and send the creator of the most creative entry a signed copy of the I Wrote This For You book.

There's a lot of exciting stuff happening and I've never been happier here, doing this, with you.

Until the end. I miss you. I love you,


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