Stone Fish Please tell me what is worse than a fish that camouflages itself as a rock in shallow water, injects a poison lethal to human upon contact and can survive on dry land for over 24 hours. |
Check Out These Amazing ocean creatures are terrifying and more very creepy than sharks. They are very scary, incredibly huge large, and they all are deadly .See More List After Break
Giant Halibut Can you imagine swimming next to that thing? |
Colossal Squid |
Giant Stingray So far, only found in freshwater but has the capacity to live in saltwater if it chooses. |
Barry the Sea Worm |
Oarfish |
Blue Ringed Octopus The biggest one is the size of a golf ball, but if you touch it, there is no antidote for its lethal venom. |
Sunfish |
Giant Isopod These things have been around since the dinosaurs and can survive for months without food, so you can pretty much expect them to be in our oceans forever. |
Coconut Crab So if creatures in the water have you terrified to go swimming, the coconut crab is a good reason to never set foot on a beach. |
Jelly Fish … seem relatively harmless until you come across this monstrosity while scuba diving. |
North Pacific Giant Octopus |
Barracuda |
Huge Spider Crab |
Moray Eels They look small and harmless poking out of coral reefs, but I know from personal experience these eels can grow up to 9 feet long and can easily take a limb off of a diver. |
Long Spine Sea Urchin |
Mega Mouth Shark Yess I know Mega Mouth is technically a shark, but look at it. It’s about ten times more terrifying than a great white. |