Saturday, May 7, 2011

This Has Happened

Dear You,

How have you been?

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything of real length and I am sorry for that. Life’s been pretty chaotic over the last few months. I got hijacked at gunpoint (and got over it). Jon, the photographer for I Wrote This For You, has moved from Japan to Germany. Some important people lived or died. The world turned and clocks, quite audibly, tocked. I went on hiatus for a month to deal with things.

I was not idle. Things happened. I will try my best to construct my next sentences in a way that accurately portrays them.

I Wrote This For You now has a publishing contract with ireadiwrite. I Wrote This For You, put in the order in which things happened and complimented by a series of unique entries, will become available in a variety of different formats in the coming months, many of which you’ll be able to hold in your hands.

As of several hours ago, while I was sleeping, it became possible to subscribe to I Wrote This For You on your kindle.

It is Saturday morning, 11:00am, I am writing this in my pajamas and asking you to please go to this link

and let the world know how you feel about I Wrote This For You. Like it if you do, in fact, like it. It would mean a lot to us and if you can’t subscribe yourself or don't have a kindle (I don't), simply telling someone about it, posting this letter or tweeting a link will be just as truly and sincerely appreciated (if you write ‘’ on a napkin in a restaurant or on your arm or on somewhere where it can be found as it was intended to be, you will win a place in my heart forever and I’ll post photos to the facebook group if you do).

It is now getting cold here, on this side of the world. I will build a fire soon. I checked my mail on my phone at 7:48am this morning and haven’t been able to go back to sleep.

I had to let someone know. Thank you for reading and for listening and for writing. You mean more than the world to me. Thank you.

- Me.

Writer of I Wrote This For You.

PS. I miss you and hope that things will always be better. With any luck, if things go very, very well, I may even see you soon.
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