Thursday, March 24, 2011

I Wrote This For Japan

01 - The Leftovers (donate/song/post) by Patrick Clancy

02 - The Circus Is Cheaper When It Rains (donate/song/video/post/) by Dan Rodriguez

03 - The Point Past Peak Feelings (donate/song/post) by Silas Jørgensen

04 - The Time It Takes To Fall (donate/song/video/post) by Dan Rodriguez

05 - The Day You Read This (donate/words/video/post) by Me

06 - The Trees That Refused To Die (donate/video/post) by Pawl. E

07 - ?

As a tribute to the people of Japan and their courage and strength in the face of overwhelming natural catastrophes. As a marker for the untimely deaths of thousands of people.

We dedicate this.

All we ask, is that if you download any of the tracks, you donate to either the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders (the donate links go to one of the two), depending on your preference.

I'd like to thank the musicians and artists who have already contributed tracks based on I Wrote This For You entries and invite other musicians and artists to also contribute, to help raise funds.

If you'd like to do that, and expose you and your music to a wider audience, you can reach me at pleasefindthis at gmail dot com.

There won't be any posts for the next few days as Jon, our Tokyo based photographer, has slightly more pressing issues to worry about right now and I'd like to draw attention to this.

In the meanwhile, please, spend a moment to think about the "you" on the other side of the world from you, waiting and hoping for the help they need.

We are all human beings here, separated by nothing more than large puddles of water and occasionally, the fear of the unknown.

We are all on the same ship.

We are all, you.

For Japan,

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