Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flash an LED Bright Smile to 'Scare Somebody'

Flash an LED Bright Smile to 'care Somebody

Flash that LED-tinged smile to light up a room or to scare somebody. Japanese schoolgirls have pounced on the new product, which is being advertised as a “party in your mouth” and demand for it has gone through the roof, the Daily Mail reports. Simply put, it is an LED (light emitting diode used as lamps) insert which can be affixed to your teeth - a bit like a mouth guard. It lights up when you smile.

You can even get a wireless hand-held computer to control the contraption, making your teeth change colour, from a lurid green to demonic-looking red or even blink. Previous toothy-trends for gold caps and diamonds glued onto molars have been successful. Surely then, it is only a matter of time before light-emitting smiles spread across the world.(IANS)

LED Bright Smile

LED Teeth Bright Smile

And Here The Videos Of LED TEETH :

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