Friday, December 24, 2010

19th Century Vampire Killing Kit - 4 Pics

At one of the auctions in California, was recently spotted a curious lot: set to kill vampires, dated the 19 th century. Set in an ivory casket, and includes the following items.

1. Christian cross made of steel, covered with ivory. One end of the vertical beam is a single-shot pistol, to the second end is attached a steel blade. In the center of the cross - a shield, surmounted by a crown of eight teeth - these elements are made of ebony. Shield decorated with a red five-pointed star.

2. Case for the blade - from ivory.

3. Bottles of ivory to store gunpowder.

4. Ramrod. Also made of ivory.

5. Bullets (clear, silver or otherwise), covered with lids made of elephant bone for bone. Condition rarity rated "very good", and its price ranges from 4,5-6,5 thousand dollars. Well, no, really, what if vampires? )) From the zombies, we are already protected by the kit and now need to take care of the vampire ...

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