Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ascariasis Disease


Clinical symptoms will be shown on the stadium flyblow and adults.

At the stadium flyblow, Ascaris can cause mild symptoms in the heart and the lungs will cause the Loeffler syndrome. Loeffler syndrome is a collection of signs such as fever, shortness of breath, eosinofilia, and the images seen infiltrat Roentgen thoraks that will be lost for 3 weeks.

In the adult stages, the intestinal worms will cause symptoms typical channels such as indigestion not appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. When the worms go into the channel can cause the gall to eat kolik or ikterus. When the adult worms penetrate peritoneum and then enter the body or the abdomen can cause acute abdomen


Infections with these parasites are more common where sanitation is poor and human feces are used as fertilizer.

Prevention of this infection centers around education, not using human feces as fertilizer, and cleanliness, especially among those who handle food.

Infections happen when a human swallows water or food contaminated with unhatched juveniles. The juveniles hatch in the duodenum (1st section of small intestine). They then penetrate the mucosa and submucosa and enter venules or lymphatics. Next they pass through the right heart and into pulmonary circulation. They then break out of the capillaries and enter the air spaces. Acute tissue reaction occurs when several worms get lost during this migration and accumulate in other organs of the body.

The juveniles migrate from the lung up the respiratory tract to the pharynx where they are swallowed. They begin producing eggs within 60–65 days of being swallowed. These are produced within the small intestine where the juveniles mature. It might seem odd that the worms end up in the same place where they began.

One hypothesis to account for this behavior is that the migration mimics and intermediate host, which would be required for juveniles of an ancestral form to develop to the third stage. Another possibility is that tissue migration enables faster growth and larger size, which increases reproductive capacity.

More than 1 billion people are affected by this infection. Infections can be treated with drugs called ascaricides.

How the diagnosis

Ascaris eggs containing embryo

Diagnosis Ascariasis do with the eggs found in the patient's feces or adult worms found in the anus, nose, or mouth.


Ascariasis treatment can be used medicines sepreti pirantel pamoat, mebendazol, albendazol, piperasin.

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