Thursday, March 25, 2010

Adnan Buyung Nasution is professor

Founder Of The legal aid institutions (LBH) in Indonesia, DR. Adnan Buyung Nasution, defined as a professor of the Univerity of Melbourne, Australia in January. appointment as the new professor announced Tuesday 16 March 2010.

bang-Buyung-so he called. defined as a professor because perseverance to advance the science of law, law enforcement and justice, and the continuous struggle in the respect and human rights for half a century.

Melbourne University law fakulatas very proud of you "because you has also been a study here a few years ago, the contents of the letter of appointment. Signed by the Dean of Faculty of Melbourne University law" professor Michael Commelin AO ".

Adnan B. Nasution was able to hold the title of professor began early in 2010. with the appointment, Bang-Buyung get various facilities from the university, like any other professor. adnan professor nasution pitcher can not determine when they will give a public lecture in Melbourne because his work is still very busy.

From the newspaper "Kompas" today "25 march 2010"
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